AEOS Skincare

by Lis-Marie Liden

This article took me a while, not because I did not know what to write, but because I was given this amazing box filled with AEOS products and it took me a while to properly try them out. At first glance I felt slightly overwhelmed thinking β€œHow do I even have enough face to put all this on?”. But oh my goodness what fun! I love trying out new products and organic AEOS skincare was a delight to test.

The first few things that really got my attention was the fresh scent, something I hate is vanilla and anything cute and sweet but AEOS is very citrusy and almost spicy in the scent. Also something worth knowing is that you need very little product at the time of use, so a little goes a long long long way . . .

AEOS uses something called “Biodynamic Farming” to source extracts, essential oils, enzymes and vitamins, this in turn ensures the product has a heightened performance and outstanding result, and on top of this all the products are all eco friendly and biodegradable. What’s not to like?

They use no man made pesticides, bad chemicals and fertilisers when growing the plants and herbs used in the AEOS products, there is so much to be said about the processes behind these products and you can read about this on their website.The travel kit I was sent had everything from cleansing oil to face mist with a rainbow in between, however in this article I am going to focus on my favourites.

My skin is all over the place, oily and dry all at the same time so I really prefer pure and light products. The pink Gentle Cleansing Lotion was perfect for me to remove my daily mask of make up along side with my eyeliner in a very easy and non greasy way. I feel many times when I use a cleansing lotion it almost leaves a film of product and it worsens the already greasy areas of my face. Not this time though. I also tried the cleansing Oil DΓ©-Maq which was also good but I admit to preferring the cleansing lotion more, it just worked better for my skin. If you have a face with more normal to dry skin the oil will be good for you, and it is worth noting for you men out there you can use this one as a shaving oil!

Do any of you ever got those days where you just really need to get down to scratch with your skin? I try to exfoliate at least once a week maybe twice if I am being good. The product needs to be gentle but effective, I do not really like it when I have to go hunting for the little β€œpebbles” when washing my face finding them in the depth of my hairline, so how happy was I to find that the Blue Gentle Exfoliant passed my test. With its amazing ingredients it is perfect for priming my skin for the entire regime as well as being gentle and smelling amazing I really liked this product.As I said it was a box of AEOS treats when it comes to products but this last one I am going to mention is my very favourite and I carry it with me daily! It is a perfect product in the rat race that is London city life, travelling on tubes and rushing around. I am officially in love with theΒ Refreshing Hydrating mist; it refreshes, balances, revitalises and restores your skin all the while cooling your face. It is so hard to explain the sensation but if you have the pleasure to try it or decide to buy it and give it a go you will understand. The only problem I have now is that my partner occasionally β€œborrows” it, how dare he?

I would definitely recommend AEOS for the way it is made and the way it will care for your skin; in this day and age it is so important to protect our skin and our bodies which are subjected to more pollution and strains then ever before. So get using AEOS: your skin will thank you and so will the environment!

AEOS skincare is avalaible online and in stockists worldwide.


  • Lis-Marie Liden

    Originating from Sweden, Lis-Marie is a food, wellness and travel enthusiast. Now based in London, exploring products, restaurants and destinations around the world is her passion and she hopes to inspire others with her experiences. Also not afraid to share β€œalmost” everything, Lis-Marie loves to share her views and thoughts on life in the BBB Musings section.

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